Behrnes’ Pepper Salts Wins 2024 Artisan Flave Award
Our Spicy Macadamia Toffee with Bernes’ Hatch Pepper Salt has won a 2024 Artisan Flave Award!
Madison, WI (May 27, 2024): We’re thrilled to share that our Behrnes’ Spicy Macadamia Toffee with Behrnes’ Hatch Pepper Salt has won 2nd place in the Sweet Snacks category of the 2024 Artisan Flave Awards. The 2024 “Artisan Flave Awards” organized by the International Awards, LLC recently concluded as over 300 products from 12 different countries (4 Continents) vied for honors in 44 categories. Competitive divisions included, but were not limited to, dressings, dips, jellies, herb blends, salts, sweet treats, crackers, chips, chocolates, salsas, vinegars, mustards, and honeys, plus a variety of different sauce categories representing everything from ethnic sauce specialties to spicy delicacies.
The Flave Awards (both Aritsan & Spicy) work to provide small to medium sized businesses a platform by which to stand on and be judged against similar sized food companies from throughout the world. As an organization, the International Flavor Awards, LC vows to act as an impartial judge and does so by implementing a blind-judging process and by incorporating, as judges, a variety of food professionals including restauranteurs, purveyors, manufacturers and members of the food centric community.
The International Flavor Awards will continue to collaborate with various sources of media including websites, social media providers, artisan and spicy food advocates, as well as food-based organizations throughout the world. The Flave Awards strive to bring value to our food-based competitions and work to promote the outstanding products and companies that set themselves apart by being known as a “Flave Award Winner”!
To see the list of winners, visit