Can Turmeric Milk Remedy Relieve Hip Bursitis Pain?
Turmeric heated in almond milk with cinnamon and cayenne pepper eased a reader's hip bursitis pain better than medications.
How to Use Capsaicin Ointment to Ease Pain
Chronic pain has a devastating impact on your quality of life. Often, though, the medicines you would take to relieve pain can trigger dangerous side effects over the long term. Several readers report that capsaicin ointment can help relieve several sorts of pain, if you use it properly.
We love our service members
I’ve heard that food in the military is not great- so why not send a care package of salts and spices? Use GODSPEED for a 50% off US Military check out code to any APO address
Dominate the kitchen
If you are the holiday Kitchen boss you might as well celebrate it or acknowledge the one who runs the family holiday kitchen with this statement apron in cream or black
Eat More Beans
A passion for pulses
Popular pulses include chickpeas, beans, lentils, and peas. You probably know these better as “legumes,” but that term is technically incorrect. As Harvard University’s Nutrition Source precisely states, “A legume refers to any plant from the Fabaceae family that would include its leaves, stems, and pods. A pulse is the edible seed from a legume plant.”
An estimated 2.5 million deaths could be prevented each year if global salt consumption were reduced to the recommended level.
Health conscious Is where I am - and have been since Behrnes Pepper Salts was created …Add the health benefits of turmeric, garlic and capsicum to your diet and that will start you paying attention to you salt intake- Live longer and eat more Behrnes!!
Its time to end the war on salt.
This areticle in the Scientific American by Melinda Wenner Moyer on July 8, 2011 is interested and I am not saying one way or the other how to live your life… Im just saying that there is salt in frozen peas…. so why not try our salt free and see if you can not quadruple your salt intake